Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Green Design

What is Green Design?

Thats exactly the question our small group of four asked ourself when we were given this topic to look into. Now we have all heard of Environmental, Eco and Sustainable Design but not a lot are aware of Green Design, and i was one of them. This type of design is more of a "new comer" to the family and so it was interesting for our group to discover the benefits that came with being "Green".

Through our use of mind mapping and brainstorming we managed to break down Green Design in to three main areas: The buildings, materials and the products that are used. We then created a powerpoint to present what information we had collated to the rest of our class. It wasn't until we had all completed our presentations that the other design issues did tend to over lap on some occasions and that the three main areas all seemed to be apparent in most groups research.

These are a few things that we came across when looking into Green Design:

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