Last friday i had my last lecture of semester one with Jonathon Baldwin on Christmas spirit. He first started off talking about how men and woman’s behaviour is different when they shop.
For a lot of us the points that were made were pretty obvious. We all know that woman prefer to take their time, maybe make the experience more of a social activity, whereas men are more likely to hunt for the items they are looking for then leave. Now this stereotype does not relate to everyone but it is true for the most part. There was however some points that I had never thought about, especially relating to the role of design. For instance when designing a food store and deciding on where everything should be positioned seems like an ordinary task however the part I did not know was that they position there main brands or offers before you get to your basic everyday foods to influence your shopping making you pick up and buy! You probably forget the item you go for but come away with bags full of things you didn't need. Now this is a wise way to design your supermarket so why wouldn’t you do the same for shopping in general? Well they do. Until now I as a designer haven’t realised that there are many techniques that are subliminal and lead you towards certain areas or goods without realising it. One in particular is the effect of folding clothes in a clothes store. Its been proven by Paco Underhill in his book "Why we buy" that the more likely we are to buy something is if we touch it. While raiding through the mounds of clothes looking for your size you are subconsciously doing it out of guilt.
So you could ask yourself the question, How influenced by advertising are you?
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